Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Adjust Billy Blanks Bands

Hands off our courses!

NUORO. At the end of the trail, near Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, the procession of about 500 students, it stops, lowering of the flags for a moment and says, megaphone, their own reasons. "We are here to protest against the closure of the broad study of some schools, "cries a young man. And the crowd applauds. This time, more than others, the day that all of Italy for many years devoted to the right to study, in Nuoro takes a strong flavor of protest. Why because of the Gelmini reform, the next school year, the school threatens to close the Fermi maxi-science course, the classics, language, the ITC may Aeroneutico course, and the former Magistrali there is danger of disappearing high school musical. The same address, the only island in the last six years has churned out hundreds of students, including several disabled people, and served a catchment area of \u200b\u200bmore than thirty common.
"We are here for rights to study," reads the posters prepared by students. "A nation is ignorant easier to govern, "and even" I'm not I'm quiet, so studying is my right. " The parade, colorful and noisy, it moves early yesterday morning, from Crossroads. In a few tens of minutes along Via Lamarmora, crowded Corso Garibaldi, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and landed after a brief stop in Piazza Mazzini. There is a student representative of all or most, colleges of Nuoro. Among the most experienced, those of Magistral , defending a drawn sword, the experimental course in high school musical. They do this for some time through a blog on the Internet at 'Reform Gelmini - explain, in a flyer - provides for the abolition of all addresses music and their replacement with 40 throughout the country. The implementation of this reform could lead to the elimination, starting the school year 2010/2011, an important reference point for all students in the province of Nuoro. "For the wealth of teaching experience gained in years of activity and development for the benefit of the province of Nuoro, not lost, we ask that the music school is preserved and is one of the forums under the imminent implementation of high school reform."


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