Friday, November 27, 2009

Computer And Pioneer Reciever

question to the Chamber of Deputies (Mr B. Murgia) at Liceo Musicale di Nuoro

questions for written answer
CAMERA - 11/26/2009
Download it in PDF format


Interrogation Room written response 4-05189

by Bruno Murgia

Thursday, November 26, 2009, n.253 sitting

The Minister of Education, University and Research.
- To know - given that:

- The new reform Schools, proposed by the government, provides for six new courses of study of the various experiments undertaken in the past;

- in addition to high school and science, the reform provides for high school language, the musical-dance, the arts and, last but not least, the school of human sciences, which would replace the current high school psycho-pedagogical and social sciences;

- the new high school musical should be, at least initially, all 40 in Italy;

- emerged from several parts request to go through all the possible ways that the course of the music school of Nuoro is saved;

- the course above has about 140 members, a faculty cohesive and sophisticated, with attention to the reception of pupils with disabilities;

- The funds invested over the past nine years for the improvement of training, has been substantial;

- during a meeting held the day before yesterday in the auditorium high school, there have been some parents concerned about the future of their children, enrolled in high school musical Nuoro, the only example of its kind in the whole island;

- despite the assurances given by the head teacher, Carla Marchetti, confirming that the reform - if not start really - would cover only the first classes, while later classes will continue under the old system, there have been concerns of teachers which could have serious repercussions for their future work -:

- if the Government finds it necessary to ensure maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the same region of Sardinia, so that one of the new 40 high schools under the reform, is devoted to the capital barbaricino. (4-05189)


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