We will fight at all levels for high school musical
"We will fight at all levels for high school musical"
Assembly to former Magisterial crowded with parents and teachers
NUORO. A single battle to save the music school in Nuoro. It is the request that had emerged from many quarters during the school board meeting held yesterday afternoon in the auditorium of the school psycho-educational institution still known as masterful. You touched the lady of the house, the head teacher Carla Marchetti, explain to many students, parents and teachers attended the meeting, the possible effects of high school reform proposal by the government.
Six new courses of study instead of the various experiments undertaken in the past. In addition to high school and science, the reform provides for the high school language, the musical-dance, the arts and, last but not least, the high school human sciences, which would replace the current high school psycho-educational and social sciences. 'The new high school musical - said the president - should be, at least initially, 40 in Italy. It is our duty to take all possible means because the current high school musical Nuoro be saved. " A school that from the trial nine years ago, saw one hundred graduate students, many of whom have continued their studies in music conservatories. "The course - added Marchetti - has about 140 members, a faculty cohesive and sophisticated, with a reception for students with disabilities. Not to mention the funds that are invested over the past nine years for the improvement of training. "
Carla Marchetti has ensured the maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the Region of Sardinia. During yesterday's meeting have taken some parents worried about the future of their children, enrolled in high school musical Nuoro, the only example of its kind in the whole island. The Marchetti has sought to reassure those present, confirming that the reform, if not start really, should affect only the first classes, while later classes will continue under the old system. However there have been concerns that teachers may have serious repercussions for their future work in Nuoro. Just by some teachers and union leaders came to fight the proposal in a unified way so that one of the 40 new high schools are dedicated to capital barbaricino. A battle is not easy, as also pointed Maria Di Patre, Guild teachers, as Sardinia is expected to reach only a hypothetical high school, and Cagliari appears as the most accredited to host it. "We must ensure that the battle for the salvation of the music school of Nuoro - said Di Patre - to be brought up at all levels, including Region. Our political representatives must make their voices heard. " Appeal was recognized by Frank Carron, provincial councilor and former university lecturer in history Magistrali.
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