Friday, November 27, 2009

Computer And Pioneer Reciever

question to the Chamber of Deputies (Mr B. Murgia) at Liceo Musicale di Nuoro

questions for written answer
CAMERA - 11/26/2009
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Interrogation Room written response 4-05189

by Bruno Murgia

Thursday, November 26, 2009, n.253 sitting

The Minister of Education, University and Research.
- To know - given that:

- The new reform Schools, proposed by the government, provides for six new courses of study of the various experiments undertaken in the past;

- in addition to high school and science, the reform provides for high school language, the musical-dance, the arts and, last but not least, the school of human sciences, which would replace the current high school psycho-pedagogical and social sciences;

- the new high school musical should be, at least initially, all 40 in Italy;

- emerged from several parts request to go through all the possible ways that the course of the music school of Nuoro is saved;

- the course above has about 140 members, a faculty cohesive and sophisticated, with attention to the reception of pupils with disabilities;

- The funds invested over the past nine years for the improvement of training, has been substantial;

- during a meeting held the day before yesterday in the auditorium high school, there have been some parents concerned about the future of their children, enrolled in high school musical Nuoro, the only example of its kind in the whole island;

- despite the assurances given by the head teacher, Carla Marchetti, confirming that the reform - if not start really - would cover only the first classes, while later classes will continue under the old system, there have been concerns of teachers which could have serious repercussions for their future work -:

- if the Government finds it necessary to ensure maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the same region of Sardinia, so that one of the new 40 high schools under the reform, is devoted to the capital barbaricino. (4-05189)

Lisence Name For Registry

reform school, save the high school musical

question to the deputy minister Gelmini nuorese Bruno Murgia
"Reform of the school, save the High School Musical '

He lands on the desks of the Government of the story Luiceo Music Nuoro in danger of extinction as a result of school reform given by the minister Gelmini. To raise the issue of the PDL is the deputy nuorese Bruno Murgia, a member of the Committee on Culture, which has tabled a parliamentary written answer, right on the reform of secondary schools which could endanger the future of High School Music Nuoro.
"The course has about 140 members, a faculty cohesive and sophisticated, with special attention devoted to the reception of pupils with SEN. The funds invested for the improvement of the training were substantial, "writes Murgia gathering the concerns expressed by parents about the future of their children, enrolled in high school musical barbaricino, the only example of its kind in the entire Sardinia. In particular, Bruno Murgia asks the Government and the Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, if deemed necessary to ensure maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the same region of Sardinia, so that one of the new 40 high schools under the reform is intended to Nuoro.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Do'nt Eat White Potatoes


For 11 years now, we are living in Nuoro experience of high school musical thought by us to meet the needs of the school population of our province. Our curriculum, which is not very different from those currently proposed by the Reformation, took into account right from the start learning objectives towards the attainment of skills and competencies to be used in 'Higher Education. The previous assessment of skills, the analysis of attitudes and especially the knowledge of pupils and their real needs, has led over time to prefer the purely technical elements of musical training, more specifically educational aspects. We can better understand the reasons for this choice in light of a brief analysis of the situation of our land:
The Province of Nuoro, due to its geographical location in the heart of the island, for the bad road conditions and a difficult economic situation does not allow itself the realization of life projects which include forms of artistic and musical expression. The territory is poor in both public and private structures to support the study of the arts (there are some schools civic and No. 2 courses middle school musical, Nuoro and Macon), and the two Keepers of the region over 100 km away .
In such an environment for families has always been difficult, if not impossible, to think their own children to experience a high school student sent to a pre-professional musical path. Over the years of our experience, we have begun to move on three fronts:
1) To facilitate harmonious development of personality, skills and knowledge of children in directing their life plan.
2) recognize and encourage emerging talent by directing them to a path not only in the sense nell'AFAM executive-interpretation, but also speculation and research.
3) Ensure full integration of diversity is understood as the mental and physical disabilities, and as social problems or from other cultures.

(point 1) We believe that all the educational courses of secondary school degree can not, by their very nature Offer State, designed to be an elite level. Out of 130 pupils, a small part of wanting to spend too believes that post-diploma only to the music. The majority, in possession of attitudes and motivation, make other choices, and also consistent in harmony with the development of different personalities.

(paragraph 2): The care of the elite level is not totally ruled out but may find its effective application within the group level (for the collective teachings) and thanks to individual programs vary in teaching small groups (or tool solo singing).

(paragraph 3): In this regard we report our experience of integration of students with disabilities, in accordance with Law 104/92, in full respect of a long-established tradition in all addresses. The musical disciplines offer extensive opportunities for integration, for both the collaborative nature of the activities together, both the importance of education and rehabilitation of individual instrumental practice. He added that the massive presence of musical disciplines in our institution provides accommodations in the classroom open to many disabled students attending other addresses.

If our high school musical has grown in recent years, laying off 100 students, including 3 disabled, and currently has 7 classrooms, the reason is given by the positive response of an area in need of music to an open offer to the needs, respectful individual needs, ready to adjust, from time to time, situations. We are not teachers
minimalist: just put our skills to our students, do not work on paper, we deal with people and we know this.
Finally, two questions: high school musical-style elitist, reserved for expendable talent in the world of the concert is definitely not misled, even in the age of adolescence, by other interests, how many fourteen-year students could not find a regional level, but even National?
The reform reduces the variety of high schools offer training in these years, without submitting to any assessment of merit, six high schools: it is excessive to expect that at least these are present in every provincial capital? Or our children, to attend a high school only present in the regional capital, will go pension (assuming that families have the economic means and the confidence) as was the case up to forty years ago?

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the case to the Appellate Chamber

Question of Bruno Murgia

the case to the High School Music Room

NUORO. Events in the square, assembly, and now even a parliamentary question. The case of the possible closure of the high school musical Nuoro, he comes to the House of Representatives through a question tabled by a Member of the PDL Nuoro, Bruno Murgia. Murgia requests a written response on the reform of secondary schools which could endanger the future of high school musical Nuoro. "The course has about 140 members - the deputy wrote in the question Murgia - a cohesive and skilled teachers, with special attention devoted to the reception of pupils with SEN. The funds invested for the improvement of the training were substantial. " After this introduction, Murgia, calls on the Government and the Minister of Education, if deemed "necessary to ensure maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the same region of Sardinia, so that one of the new 40 secondary schools under the reform is intended to barbaricino capital. " In recent days, always on the case of high school musical, a crowded meeting was held the former Magistral, on which depends the musical direction. The meeting was attended by academics, teachers, students and citizens in solidarity with those who fight to defend the existence of the course. (Vg)

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According to the Magisterial broadcast on Radio St. Paul

The appeal for the Protection of High School Musical is a 55 '

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Shoot the last round!
missing little implementation of the reform ...
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  • SHIP ...
  • distribute ....
  • scream .....
  • Carvajal .....


courage, let's hear!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Atheros Driver Delete

are going out of the Institute approved by the College of Teachers

  • release trials of the Liceo Musicale at the Pedagogical Institute of Science "S. Satta" of Nuoro.

    - L ' teaching of Music, at the Istituto Magistrale "S. Satta" Nuoro is a constant since its inception. Already in the last years of the old Institute of Science, Music Education at the morning it joined the afternoon of teaching guitar and piano.

    - Nell ' as1999/2000 has been active in school autonomy regime, a trial Pedagogical High School Musical-. This experiment, started with a single class, is grown and strengthened over time to cover a full five-year course, plus a few classes in a second course. At present, the address has seven classes for a total of about 140 students .

    - The lesson of the instrument is held on time and curriculum includes the study of four different specialties instrumental Piano, Guitar, Voice and Flute .
    disciplines are also taught piano and guitar as second instrument in two years.
    The teaching tool is set for small groups of up to six students.
    The other disciplines taught in music class as a whole are:

    - music theory and reading throughout the five-year period.
    - Ensemble music throughout the five-year period.
    - History of Music in three years.

    - from Asia 2003/2004 's state exam introduces a second test specifically written to address and from 2007/2008 is expected to explicit ministerial provision that the interview opens with an instrumental test individual.

    - Next to the testing of high school, music education, there is in the addresses of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, the teaching of ' Music education in two years.

    - Testing of High School Musical-Pedagogical as implemented in our Institute, responds to a need for training of users from diverse geographical and social benefits that a reverse of a 'musical education totally free and is integrated into Profile address educational, and other extra-curricular experiences of aimed at discussion and collaboration (afternoon workshops of instrument tests, competitions, school-work projects, etc.).. All this in an area lacking in public and private institutions aimed to the study of music.

    In this context, our local high school stands as an institution able to introduce students to a practice not only music and not necessarily vocational, appropriate to the period of maturity of the students, meeting individual needs and in some ways preparation for other alternative to Teaching of Academic Press.

    - During the experience experience for some students the knowledge of music has shown the potential and talent utilized in 'Musical Higher Education; for a good number of them playing music, combined with the historical and theoretical knowledge, has become a vehicle for other learning, enforcing a method of study and rigorous analysis, for all it is a tool for growth, awareness, enrichment, education and social integration.

    - Over the last 12 years of teaching, the Institute has engaged in numerous extra-curricular projects, faces a deeper, comparison and testing of non-conventional forms of teaching , with the aim to establish contact and to establish relationships with other school and extra-curricular activities, both of our territory and national level.

    Among these projects include:
    - Afternoon music: The performance of the Concerto in the form of educational activities prepared by students in each class of instrument and ensemble music.
    - Scuolamusicafestival : Participation in the last three editions of the National Music Competition ensemble open to all schools of all levels.
    - tool Afternoon Workshops: Open to students from all fields, provide for the teaching of piano and guitar.
    - Laboratories music RAS : Also open to students from other schools and alumni, will the practice of Singing, Percussion, Ensemble Music, Music and new technologies, Dee-jay, Music Therapy and Dancetherapy.
    - Guidance in Secondary Schools: Causes, in addition to the presentation of the address, the exemplification of instrumental practice by some pupils and the school ensemble participation in exhibitions and conferences for educational guidance.
    - Laboratory for Music Therapy: Active for several years, is organized around disability and involves the participation of many students, preferably Classes scenes, according to tutors. Over the past two years held a workshop RAS combined with Dancetherapy.
    - Music Festival : Adheres to a Ministerial initiative. It is held annually by the entire High School Musical, for the whole school.
    - Participation in cultural events: the ensemble of the School involves participation in initiatives such as Memorial Day, the closing days of major activities (project Intrecci).
    - Library Project: "Meeting with Singer / Songwriter": It involves the participation of both classes of high school musical concert with a conference-debate agreed that a public performance with the musician and prepared in class.
    - Project: "One night at the Opera": It involves the participation of pupils in the three years in the dress rehearsal of an opera, in collaboration with the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari.

    - Testing of High School Musical As part of the proceeds from ' integration of students with disabilities, in full compliance with a long standing tradition in all addresses. The musical disciplines offer extensive opportunities for integration, both for the need of cooperation and acceptance of personal characteristics inherent in the activities together, both the importance of education and rehabilitation of individual instrumental practice, which allows you to use it as a tool for clearing and exploitation of the potential for building a life project. Currently attending the High School Musical six disabled students, distributed in different classes, three students have already completed the five-year period.

    - The Institute has special classrooms for the study of musical disciplines and functional specifications and equipment to both the Public Education that the exhibition.

    - acoustic piano
    Electronic Keyboards - Digital Pianos
    - Guitars classical, acoustic and electric
    - Flutes
    - acoustic and electric drums
    Percussion - Orff Instruments
    - Audio amplifier

    In recent years, the Institute of care particularly ldisciplina music and new technologies and features professional equipment suitable for setting up a recording studio, which serves as a valuable support to both public and musical events within the school.

    - This wealth of teaching experience is gained through years of activity for the benefit of the Province of Nuoro.

    - In this Institute the Individualized Education has been adapted to the needs of the small group and disability.

    - The efforts made over the years have led to the creation of a structure and a remarkable instrumental equipment.

    - Over the years the teachers have invested in the experience of AO31 High School Musical Nuoro PROFESSIONALISM, 'PLANNING' AND METHODOLOGICAL STUDIES.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bernadelli Gardone Vt

We will fight at all levels for high school musical

"We will fight at all levels for high school musical"
Assembly to former Magisterial crowded with parents and teachers

NUORO. A single battle to save the music school in Nuoro. It is the request that had emerged from many quarters during the school board meeting held yesterday afternoon in the auditorium of the school psycho-educational institution still known as masterful. You touched the lady of the house, the head teacher Carla Marchetti, explain to many students, parents and teachers attended the meeting, the possible effects of high school reform proposal by the government.
Six new courses of study instead of the various experiments undertaken in the past. In addition to high school and science, the reform provides for the high school language, the musical-dance, the arts and, last but not least, the high school human sciences, which would replace the current high school psycho-educational and social sciences. 'The new high school musical - said the president - should be, at least initially, 40 in Italy. It is our duty to take all possible means because the current high school musical Nuoro be saved. " A school that from the trial nine years ago, saw one hundred graduate students, many of whom have continued their studies in music conservatories. "The course - added Marchetti - has about 140 members, a faculty cohesive and sophisticated, with a reception for students with disabilities. Not to mention the funds that are invested over the past nine years for the improvement of training. "
Carla Marchetti has ensured the maximum engagement with local institutions, primarily the province, the regional school office and the Region of Sardinia. During yesterday's meeting have taken some parents worried about the future of their children, enrolled in high school musical Nuoro, the only example of its kind in the whole island. The Marchetti has sought to reassure those present, confirming that the reform, if not start really, should affect only the first classes, while later classes will continue under the old system. However there have been concerns that teachers may have serious repercussions for their future work in Nuoro. Just by some teachers and union leaders came to fight the proposal in a unified way so that one of the 40 new high schools are dedicated to capital barbaricino. A battle is not easy, as also pointed Maria Di Patre, Guild teachers, as Sardinia is expected to reach only a hypothetical high school, and Cagliari appears as the most accredited to host it. "We must ensure that the battle for the salvation of the music school of Nuoro - said Di Patre - to be brought up at all levels, including Region. Our political representatives must make their voices heard. " Appeal was recognized by Frank Carron, provincial councilor and former university lecturer in history Magistrali.

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Magistrali Nuoro - Extraordinary Council of the Institute of Appeal against the cuts

High School Musical. School board today at extraordinary ex Magistrali

School assembly against cuts

NUORO. The mobilization to save him, arrived on the internet, in blogs and on facebook. And this afternoon, after five, the school board will be merged into a unique, open to all. Why, after years of honorable presence in the territory, the high school musical because Gelmini reform, the next school year is likely to disappear and Barbagia has no intention to pass up. After the demonstration in the streets in recent days, tonight, then, during the meeting with the former Magisterial Satta, not the people of the closure of the music will end up together to decide what form to give to the protest. Meanwhile, even competent provincial councilor, Tonino Ladu, says its. First of all claims to share "in the middle of the protest of the schools these days that has invaded the streets and squares to emphasize that the reform Gelmini is not a real reform, but only a series of decisions relevant to curb spending." Then, the provincial councilor, enters the story of the risk of closure for experimental courses of different superiors. "At the risk closing - he says - are years of planning, commitments that have enabled the creation of important and unique courses of study in Sardinia (I think Course Music School social pedagogue, the course of the maxi-scientifco Fermi, Course aircraft ITC, the language of the apron of Nuoro, in the course of the water of Pira Bitti) are in danger of being thrown away because it is decided to close (with the transfer in the usual strong poles) of these courses, in the name of a reorganization that has no logic and politics, but only responds to stress or force of economic planning. We will be on our side of these institutions and of students who attend them, and fight with them because the right to study is not dependent on area of \u200b\u200borigin and why not spend most of the practice who is stronger wins. " (Vg)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

High Soft Cervix 2 Days Before Period Is Due

Radio Sao Paulo (Ovadia - Alexandria) for the Institute Master of Nuoro

The call for the battle for the Institute of Science of Nuoro is 42 '22 "
A heartfelt thank you to Roberta and Joseph Balestrucci Ravetti

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Skin Coloured Bumps On Elbows Knees And Ear

23/11/2009 - Extraordinary Council of the Institute

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How To Adjust Billy Blanks Bands

Hands off our courses!

NUORO. At the end of the trail, near Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, the procession of about 500 students, it stops, lowering of the flags for a moment and says, megaphone, their own reasons. "We are here to protest against the closure of the broad study of some schools, "cries a young man. And the crowd applauds. This time, more than others, the day that all of Italy for many years devoted to the right to study, in Nuoro takes a strong flavor of protest. Why because of the Gelmini reform, the next school year, the school threatens to close the Fermi maxi-science course, the classics, language, the ITC may Aeroneutico course, and the former Magistrali there is danger of disappearing high school musical. The same address, the only island in the last six years has churned out hundreds of students, including several disabled people, and served a catchment area of \u200b\u200bmore than thirty common.
"We are here for rights to study," reads the posters prepared by students. "A nation is ignorant easier to govern, "and even" I'm not I'm quiet, so studying is my right. " The parade, colorful and noisy, it moves early yesterday morning, from Crossroads. In a few tens of minutes along Via Lamarmora, crowded Corso Garibaldi, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and landed after a brief stop in Piazza Mazzini. There is a student representative of all or most, colleges of Nuoro. Among the most experienced, those of Magistral , defending a drawn sword, the experimental course in high school musical. They do this for some time through a blog on the Internet at 'Reform Gelmini - explain, in a flyer - provides for the abolition of all addresses music and their replacement with 40 throughout the country. The implementation of this reform could lead to the elimination, starting the school year 2010/2011, an important reference point for all students in the province of Nuoro. "For the wealth of teaching experience gained in years of activity and development for the benefit of the province of Nuoro, not lost, we ask that the music school is preserved and is one of the forums under the imminent implementation of high school reform."

Friday, November 13, 2009

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High School Musical Nuoro must not quit!

Gelmini reform requires the abolition of all addresses and their replacement with music a small number of high school musical: 40 throughout the country! The implementation of this reform could lead to the elimination, starting from 2010/2011, an important reference point for all students in the province of Nuoro.


  • responding to the specific training needs of a disadvantaged territories AND DECENTRALIZED .
  • CONTRIBUTES TO CONTAINMENT of school dropout.
  • currently has 7 CLASS FOR A TOTAL OF 140 STUDENTS .
  • has graduated the last 6 years 100 PUPILS .
  • has consolidated over the years a rich endowment of ROOMS, EQUIPMENT AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .



Saturday, November 7, 2009

Plytki Do Kuchni Na Sciane


Friday, November 6, 2009

What Colour Does The White Wire Connect To Ps3

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Work At Yg Entertainment

official jerseys 2009/2010