Who lives in Bologna San Lazzaro in San Ruffillo and know what the Spipola, but most know it only by hearsay - "the Spipola Yes, parts of the cave by Croara ...." - And only a minority reached the entrance to the cave on foot, on the bottom of the homonymous valley, between the Palace and Our Lady of the Woods. Fewer still have ventured into its bowels.
From Sunday, June 20, 2010 I am part of this class.
In fact, after so much walking outdoors with my daughter, my brother David and family I have tried with the underground depths of the Cave of Spipola, pride - along with the Cave of Farneto - Regional Park Gessi Bolognesi and Gullies dell'Abbadessa.
Accompanied by experienced guides Civil Relief Volunteer Corps (CVSC) in Bologna, led by Andrea Barbieri and Anna Brini, along with a dozen other brave we abandoned the light of day - so to speak, it was raining ... - And we meander into the dark mysterious cave. faithful companion of the excursion the front light on the helmet, which is essential for horizons in the dark. Indispensable even clothes robust and fatigue, a pair of shoes or boots, and so calm and plaster, as they say in Bologna.
In fact the cast is there. Spipola In fact, the cave is the largest gypsum cave in Western Europe, as it opens within a hundred meters of thickness of the Messinian gypsum deposited as a result of ; evaporation of shallow seas millions of years ago that stretched on the hills south of Bologna and Via Emilia. Thickness, in fact, somewhat ephemeral at least geologically speaking, as it is eroded by rain at a rate of about 1 mm per year, which means that between one hundred thousand years - longer days, less days - will be completely gone.
Then hurry to make this wonderful experience. A trip safely under the guidance of volunteers CVSC, but not without adrenaline: there expecting mud slides from running back to step out of balance or fall on its reverse side, where sinkholes crawling on his elbows at a normal pace from "marine "huge masses of selenite to circumvent or bypass, thin ledges jutting out over small potholes ahead with caution and cats. And for the more daring, "the letter box," also called "panciometro", since it is a large crack in the ground less than a meter high and a foot that connects the two rooms and through which incredibly you can not go crawling back.
THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Look for details and reservations (required) the site of the Regional Park and Badlands dell'Abbadessa Gessi Bolognesi ( http://www.parks.it/parco.gessi.bolognesi/ ), the site of CVSC Bologna (http : / / www.bolognaspeleologia.it/ ) or the site http://www.itineraribologna.it/altriitinerari/grottaspipola.htm .
Among other things, the summer is the perfect season since, except for the first hundred meters of the route, just over 600 m, and all rooms are thermally stable at a temperature of about twelve degrees ....
Giovanni Mazzanti
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