Thursday, September 23, 2010

Althea Pills Breast Size


White, Red, Green, Pink, Yellow and Blue. What are these colors? Those of a flag? I'm thinking to the rainbow? Or simply Adelscott drinking beer last night with friends of the CAI Bologna, after the presentation of the 2000 Villa Tamba, has left some train?
Not at all. White, Red, Green, Pink, Yellow and Blue are the dominant colors of last weekend, Saturday 18 and Sunday, September 19, 2010. When together with these friends of the CAI Bologna (Anna, Barbara, Elisa, Henry, Frederick, Gianluigi, Laura, Nara, Orlando) and three brave CAI Sansepolcro (John, Valentine, William), we ventured in the Val d'Ozola, regardless - or rather, conscious, but well equipped in case of bad weather ... - of unfavorable weather.
We were thirteen as the Last Supper, but - apart from the fog, wind and rain did not give us respite until Sunday morning - there is nothing wrong happened. Indeed. We must blow the gloomy weather on Saturday morning, climbing the beech forests that cover the broad ridge that leads to Ligonchio Mount (1781 m). Once in the vicinity of the watershed Tirreno-Adriatico with a large cut under the Monte Sillano and Mount Soraggio we reached the main ridge at the Leek (1834 m). Regardless of fog and wind we marched at a good pace to pitch Romecchio and the delightful little church of San Bartolomeo, then - given the futility of continuing along the ridge - in a torrential downpour we headed to the refuge, and finally to Bargetana Rifugio Battisti, the final end of the day.
Here, after having quickly "restored" - some have even made so bold a shower - we sat at the table at five and a half and we have not raised, but in a good way: first a snack of cured meats and wine red, which is then seamlessly welded to a gourmet dinner with an appetizer salad made with fresh porcini mushrooms, farro soup, polenta pork and milk, baked potatoes, wine and plenty of sweets, with a grand finale grappa and coffee. And one night of sleep robust, despite the rain on the roof of the shelter continued to roar.
The next day we wake up and nothing seems to change: more rain, fog, wind. We walk towards the Cusna (2120 m) - to be the top candidate Coppi excursion - but the giant angrily pulling them back there since Passone: not necessary in those conditions.
retrace our steps and - giving us one last chance - we decided to revisit the section of the ridge day before, hoping for better luck. And as fortune favors the brave, that's it: the rain stops, takes a first ray of sunshine that draws Ozola the rainbow over the valley, the mist also clears the ridge, swept by a strong wind from the northeast. And while kicking boots on the watershed, we open up the vista over the whole Garfagnana and the Apuan Alps to the west over most of the high Toscana. Even the sea can be seen clearly, with the Gulf of La Spezia and Portovenere promontory that plunges us into it.
Only the summit of Cusna and the top of its long ridge "over 2000" remain disdainfully covered by fluffy white clouds, but it is the massive size of the giant that holds these clouds driven by the bora wind so that they save the ridge where we walk and let us enjoy the sun of September, still vigorous.
And here they are all, then, the colors that I told you before. The whiteness of the clouds, now harmless. The bright red of the leaves of blueberry in an infinite range of hues. The intense green of the beech woods at our feet and more faded dwarf junipers of hostility to the heath of the ridges. The pink cushions of heather flowers. The yellow grass cervina which now suffers from drought in summer and early autumn cold. And the blue sky.
A frugal lunch together on the summit of Mount Sillano and then again in the mist: The weather elements we have too much for granted today. Then away: first in the fog, then into the beech forest, then into the country and finally Ligonchio inside the car to the lowlands.
And now, yes, the sun can come out without hesitation. When we are in sight of St. Luke, that's the outline of Cusna behind us is mocking and clear of clouds, with only a wisp of steam at his feet.

Giovanni Mazzanti

Friday, September 17, 2010

Manufacter Kroger Potato Chips


And who said you can go to the "beach" only on the Riviera? Even Fanano, wonderful "stone country" in the heart of the Upper Apennines Modenese you can stand magnificence to the shore.
The "Lido Fanano" are the banks of the magnificent river Leo, right where it is formed at the confluence of river and stream Fellicarolo Hospitable. In this area, called "Two Bridges" for the bridges spanning Fellicarolo courtesy and, in addition to the park visitor center Frignano there is also the "sport fishing Lake Lido", a beautiful lake for trout fishing powered by ' water Hospitality. And the "real beach," a beach "do it yourself" in a stretch where the sand flow recently replace the pebbles of the river and makes the environment more similar to coastal beaches. The landscape though - thankfully - is decidedly high-Apennine and even the crowds of the Riviera is nonexistent, except for the hottest weekend of the year.
Of course water is a bit 'chilly, especially on the two "confluentes" and especially on Fellicarolo, straight down from the ridge between the Open Book and Monte Cimone (see Chapter 3 and the 2000 Cap . 11). And if in July and August in particular, due to the summer heatwave, the temperature water is more bearable - I would say welcome and refreshing view of the heat outside - in September, is already frozen.
I know something, since Sunday, September 12, 2010, recalling a swim in Fellicarolo dating back to July 2008, I wanted to challenge the clear waters and green of this torrent. I immersed myself in a bridle just upstream of the confluence, as always with great caution: two lightning strokes in the beautiful sparkling pool and go out. A dip again and again - after no more than five seconds - out again, with the head in particular claimed that the violent heat shock.
Good for me and downstream of the confluence, Leo the water was significantly warmer - or rather less cold ... - and so, to the amazement of the few present, I could relax and enjoy your time on a beautiful bathroom with Jacuzzi, thanks to the current, alive despite the month of September to be told by our old "seccafonti. But you know, the high Apennines not fail to impress with its precious resources and can dispense plenty of fresh water and even in mid-September.

Giovanni Mazzanti

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Whisky & January Freeones


Among the things that make it unique is our high Apennines the fact that its grassy and rocky ridges, which now seem empty and bare, I have witnessed countless historical events. Among them, the epic of the Mesolithic hunters, historical period from about 10,000 BC to 4500 BC and is one of the Paleolithic and Neolithic (see the 2000 book, Chapter 1, p. 29).. These
our distant ancestors dating back to the valleys and ridges of the mountains on both sides of the divide between the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic, following the migrations of the game - especially of large ungulates - hunting, eating their meat and dress with their skins. For this pushed up the main ridge. Here, near the crossing points and near sheets of water were the ideals of their stalking and hunting stations where skinning and butchering game. Brought with them lumps of flint and jasper-precious stones not found on the Great Ridge, but found it at the appropriate slots to the floor - and they were working on site in accordance with their needs in order to get scrapers, knives, arrowheads and spears , miscellaneous equipment.
And with great patience, skill and luck ... the differences of the "Mesolithic work" can be found today on the high ridges: the so-called "microliths" - literally small stones - that is, tiny shards of flint or jasper that being totally compared to non-native local stones, show that a given site was indeed a site of frequent tillage thousands and thousands of years ago by our ancestors.
Fascinated by these suggestions, I too have put in the footsteps of our ancestors in the Mesolithic and as a member of the Scientific Committee Regional I joined the research led by the Chairman of the Deer Giuliano.
Towards the end of July, along with John Ricco, President of CAI in Reggio Emilia, and Paul ... also a member of the Regional Scientific Committee, we have scoured the long stretch of ridge running from Radici Pass to Mount Giovo. And here we have found a Mesolithic site - even if I should say "found", we saw that Julian had stumbled by accident in the fog a few years before, no longer identify it.
After several hours of futile wandering between low beech forests and along the grassy ridge, Julian recognized the location of the site then we got a good pace to beat everyone in the area rug following his instructions. But it was once again the experienced eye of Julian to find the first microlite, which is soon followed a second, then third.
We have thus found in all eleven fragments of flint and jasper, not huge, certainly, but enough the official catalog for the finding as "new Mesolithic site.
Having photographed the site and georeferenced microliths in the exact position using GPS, we're back on our feet.
We still see the boundless landscapes of the high ridges, the leafy canopy of beech trees, tall grass prairies of the great move by the wind of the ridge. And in the heart of the "echoes of stone" of our ancestors.

Giovanni Mazzanti