Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Bad Are Second Herpes Outbreaks

Ramiro if CANSO que el contrato con el Noventa no cumpliera pactado (adeudaba mas de tres meses de sueldo) hacia y Suiza parts from which the agent on a consiguió contrato Biasca con el de la tercera división de aquel pais.
Hare mas de una semana y llevar ahi que se encuentra en los cuales amistosos disputado 5 March 5 Goles. El 7 de marzo arranca el tournament.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Do Friendsmoms Boobs

Sampdoria - Atalanta Serie A Matchday 25 ^ 2008 \\ 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do Co2 Gun Canisters Leak

ATALANTA 3 roma 0-THAT gorgeous !!!!!-

will happen to you
to have a curve Party
people crazy
ATALANTA Ale Ale singing ....
ATALANTA Ale Ale ....
ATALANTA Ale Ale ....

Full Of Bra - Milena-velba

Atalanta - Roma 3-0 Serie A Day 24 th 2008 \\ 2009

Cgratulate Someone For New Born

Cagliari - Atalanta 0-1 Serie A 2008/2009 23 ^ DAY

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Whats The Life Expectancy For Lupus

The enigma of the disposal of felled trees in Tunguska

The proposed study wants to emphasize, through scientific evidence that the explosion at Tunguska is not chemical, but caused by a high-energy plasma . This statement is consistent with the theory of alien machinery, and with eyewitness accounts that tell of the spheres "beam like the sun" out of the ground, directed to the disaster area.

Uvarov wrote: "What we saw in 1908, thousands of people in much of Siberia was their flight, with the result that the witnesses of the Tunguska event attributed the entire phenomenon to the emergence of a series of lightning! "

NV Vasilyev in his search for" The Tunguska meteorite problem today, "translated with great skill by the director of Galileo Dr. Ilaria Alfieri describes the forest destroyed by the Tunguska cosmic body: "The 'devastated area of \u200b\u200btaiga in the shape of a butterfly crushed' s epicenter (ie the point at which the shock wave reached the ground) is near the head of the butterfly. Around the 'epicenter is the so-called "forest of telegraph," an area of \u200b\u200b3-5 km in diameter in which the majority of dead trees remained standing as telegraph poles with her hair pulled. Outside of this area the trees are completely destroyed. "

However, the arrangement of plants on the ground is not uniform as one might think looking at the map, but has some irregularities that is, a lot of trees, are not lying on the ground under the main line, but deviate in other directions. This discrepancy seems to be discounted by most researchers for several reasons that we will see, it is nevertheless a factor that plays a fundamental role in the understanding of ' Riddle of Tunguska. By 1938, Leonard Kulik became deeply involved in 'business to map the area of \u200b\u200btimber felled. To do this shot 1500 photographs from an airplane in order to identify the epicenter of the explosion, sat on the floor of the snapshots, the 'one side of the' other, in the order they were taken, then stretched the strings in the same direction of the felled trees resulting in a map in which they highlighted two main epicentres.

Considering the method of Kulik too rudimentary, in the sixties and seventies, the Soviets had made careful studies on the provision of timber felled. In particular, a group of Tomsk University, led by Wilhelm Fast, had walked the whole, 850 Km², cercando albero per albero, su un vasto campione di 140 mila esemplari che giacevano ancora al suolo, la direzione dalla quale proveniva l'onda d' urto.

Su questa rilevazione fu disegnata una cartina che mostrava un unico epicentro, la conferma definitiva arrivò da un esperimento di laboratorio nel quale veniva riprodotta, attraverso un modellino in scala della foresta e una carica che simulava l'esplosione del corpo cosmico, la caratteristica forma a farfalla schiacciata della zona del disastro. Per quanto riguarda la non regolarità delle piante abbattute, furono ignorate secondo un modello che afferma che a seconda di come una pianta è protetta dalle altre può also not fall in parallel with other trees. With these considerations it was thought that Tunguska was the result of 'high altitude explosion of a comet (as the Soviets) or a meteorite (the Americans), which formed a single focus. A big error of assessment, because the testimonies of many people talking about explosions and especially huge globes of light that together with the Tunguska cosmic body exploded on their way from different directions toward the point of catastrophe. Such statements, however, were considered the result of superstition or ignorance of the local tribes, or even worse, ignored as too problematic to explain ...

to do some 'clarity Giuseppe Longo on this matter was a researcher at the CNR Bologna expert in plants. Longo says that the work of Fast (supporter of the 'single epicenter) was created to sixty years' explosion, too separate from the event. "All the hardwood falls were already rotten." Many of the "telegraph poles," said Longo, "had fallen into many different directions hindering 's analysis, the' Fast is true that he was forced to scrap all those trunks from his model whose position differed too much from the average " .

According to Longo high peak of particles from two trees, which are located far away 's from each 'other, supports the hypothesis that the meteorite could have generated more divided before the explosion epicenter. ( If the explosion took place at a certain height distribution of the particles have to be uniform within the same area. At least you do not think the existence of multiple foci) .

These studies were published in "Planetary and Space Science" by actually re-evaluate the map of Kulik.

One of the few researchers have seriously considered the anomalous arrangement felled trees and the multiplicity of foci was the Russian geologist Ol 'Khovatov. In his study "The tectonic interpretation of the Tunguska event of 1908" published by 'Izvestia Russian Academy of Sciences, shows these considerations: (English translation is done with the program Power 10.0 Traslation therefore not as precise as the previous one)

"The detailed investigation of the forest fall Kulik conducted by various researchers has shown that there are extraordinary deviations from the fall of forest radial pattern throughout the area. The deviations are larger in the east of the epicenter, especially in South-East Asia ". (Ol 'Khovatov consider these deviations as a result of the impact and not by the superimposition of the trees as have clumsily tried to persuade other scientists)

Map prepared by Ol 'Khovatov to the left is the crest Chuva

The astute reader will wonder: why the trees have fallen to the ground in a non-homogeneous? Ol 'Khovatov, a response that shocking is the heart of this research: "The layout of the trees around the epicenter of the explosion , not in any way suggest the' idea of \u200b\u200bthe violent impact of a celestial body, but the swirling effect of a high-energy plasma : it can also effect the vortex that would literally turn the trees - as in fact occurred in the area after the ' explosion - is much more pronounced than at the epicenter 20 km away from it. However, if the cause of the explosion had been a celestial body would have to observe the exact opposite. " These words of Ol 'Khovatov are quoted from' astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani in his latest book," Balls of Light. Great mystery of the planet and new frontier of physics. "

Monday, February 2, 2009

Orbit Car Remote Starter Manual

Atalanta - Catania 1-0 Serie A Matchday 22 ^ 2008 \\ 2009

Manhattan Mini Cam 460668

Atalanta - Bologna 0-1 Serie A Matchday 21 ^ 2008 \\ 2009